Heaters Not Working

Heaters Not Working

Possible Cause#1
Damaged heating element

Solution Set#1
  1. Inspect heaters for damage
  2. Replace launcher
  3. If applicable replace heaters (check serial number in serial tracking for QR heaters)

Possible Cause#2
Door heaters failing to heat or heat intermittently 

Solution Set#2
  1. Possible loose jumper wires inside computer box. This would display a constant or intermittent “RED” ambient LED on the control panel.

    1. Computer box will need to be replaced. 

  2. Possible loose fuse in the fuse holder. 

    1. Remove fuse and re-install.

  3. Possible faulty thermal fuse.  Test the following

    1. PS Heater Circuit

      1. Pin 19 (PS PWR) to Pin 30 (HTR GND) - Should read approximately 2.3 Ohms across pins.  Possible fluxuation of .3ohms up/down

    2. DS Heater Circuit

      1. Pin 31 (PS PWR) to Pin 30 (HTR GND) - Should read approximately 2.3 Ohms across pins.  Possible fluxuation of .3ohms up/down

    3. If any of the pins read higher than described or OL.  Replace launcher.

Possible Cause#3
Bad Ground 

Solution Set#3
  1. Check ground wiring

Possible Cause#4
Weak battery

Solution Set#4
  1. Test battery

Possible Cause#5
Pinched wire

Solution Set#5
  1. Check all wiring

Possible Cause#6
Power issue in Console

Solution Set#6
  1. Replace console

Possible Cause#7
Power issue in computer box

Solution Set#7
  1. Replace computer box